Monday 29 February 2016

Pokemon 20th anniversary WIP

It was the 20th anniversary of Pokemon on the 27th and since I was sick I got late in doing a fanart to commemorate the event. So here's my work in progress sketch so far.

Oh and they announced a brand new Pokemon game on Pokemon direct this Friday!! I'm so EXCITED!!

It's called Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon 

I wonder what kind of new places there will be, I've been replaying Pokemon Black & White   r recently and there's many places I've never explored before. It's been really fun so far, especially since I've been sick and it's really helped me through some bad days. 

Won't be able to post regularly like this always since I work fulltime, and I'm more free these days cuz I'm on sick leave, but I'm queueing some posts so that even when I'm busy I won't forget to update XD

Gotta run now!


  1. Hi there Pineapple Kid! Thanks for coming by my blog :) I see that you are a Pokemon fan hah..hah... Love the sketch. I wonder what cake is that? Chocolate? Japanese Cheesecake? :D

    1. Omg hi there Phong!!! Thank you so much for visiting my little blog, that's still in it's infancy :P And you're very welcome, love your blog! I love eating my food and reading your posts haha.

      YEEEAH I love Pokemon, just been a huge fan for so long 😆 Thanks for liking my rough sketch! I hope I'll not butcher it by the time it's done loll. And I was thinking that it's a modified Japanese shortcake 🍰
